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Avalakki Kayi Bella | Krishna Ashtami recipe

Avalakki Kayi Bella – I am sure many of you might be wondering why this recipe? So easy, and everyone knows about this simple dish  right ?. Though it is easy and known recipe, our idea is to preserve and document the age old recipes and this sweet is one of them. Many processed foods being popular now, we have to remind ourselves there are so many simple yet delicious after school snacks in our backyard, we have to give importance to our own foods and culture.
Amma used to give this as after school snack and sometimes on morning school days – that is on saturdays!
Avalakki kayi bella has only three ingredients, teLu avalakki/ thin Poha, jaggery and freshly grated coconut. Addition to the three main ingredients, you can add toasted black sesame seeds, banana and cardamom powder. Make this simple naivedya for Krishna Ashtami or krishna janmashtami day and offer it to Lord Krishna.

Other recipe for krishna ashtami – AVALAKKI _ MOSARU

Ingredients to make avalakki kayi bella:

  • 1 cup teLu avalakki / thin Poha
  • 3 to 4 TBSP or to taste – Jaggery
  • ¼ to ½ cup grated fresh coconut
  • ½ tsp kari ellu /black sesame seeds( optional)
  • 1 to 2 cardamoms (powdered)
  • milk or water to sprinkle on top


  1. Dry roast the sesame seeds until it pops and puffs up,
  2. Add toasted sesame seeds to the avalakki
  3. Mix coconut and jaggery in a bowl,
  4. Add the above mix to the avalakki, add cardamom powder, mix it well
  5. if you want sprinkle 1 to 2 tbsp milk, and also banana to this.

Avalakki kayi bella is now ready to eat 🙂