Turmeric Home Remedies

Turmeric home remedies:

Besides flavoring and coloring the food Turmeric has many medicinal properties. Turmeric by nature is Bitter and Pungent to taste and helps in alleviating Kapha and Pitta dosha in the body. Turmeric benefits are numerous in therapeutic uses.

Therapeutic Uses (Home Remedies)

It is widely used in Cough, cold, Allergies, Skin disorders, Anaemia, Swellings, Hiccups, Diabetes, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Ulcers, and Wounds. Here are some of the useful remedies of Turmeric which can be used as day to day remedy.

Removal of Toxins from the food(Anti-Toxicity)

Food items could contain different kind of bacteria, fungal spores and many toxic chemicals that includes chemical pesticides, insecticides or the fertilizers. When washed with turmeric powder and water it kills all the bacterial and fungal spores and also helps in reducing the toxic effect of the chemicals.

Turmeric as a Cosmetic

  • Turmeric powder mixed with cream of milk and gingelly oil(yellow sarson oil) and massaged over the skin of the babies just before bath makes the skin clean, clear, soft and spotless.
  • For youngsters who complain of acne, pimples, blackheads, moles, freckles and dullness for them depending upon the skin type they can either use it with sandalwood paste, kapoor, milk cream, honey, lemon juice. Daily application of little bit of turmeric powder enhances the complexion of the skin, making the face look bright, healthy and glowing.

Nursing Mother

  • Turmeric powder should be given to a women during her post-natal (after delivery) period everyday for about a period of 6weeks, either with milk or with food. This purifies the breast-milk, reduces the doshas in the breast-milk making it palatable and easily digestible by the baby.
  • It relieves the mother from the pain and stress which she had during her delivery, it reduces the chances of infections in the body and strengthens and repairs the reproductive organs of the mother.
  • New-mothers should apply oil mixed with turmeric powder all over her body before taking bath, this reduces the pain, stretch-marks, itching, irritation of the skin caused during pregnancy and helps improve complexion of the skin.


A paste of turmeric along with neem leaves is used in fungal infections of the skin, itching, ringworm infestations, eczema and other skin disorders. A glass of warm milk mixed with half teaspoon full of turmeric powder mixed and jaggery should be given twice daily, morning and evening acts effectively in eradication of urticaria and other allergic manifestations, further it purifies the blood.


Tamarind leaves and Turmeric in the form of poultice, applied externally to the eyes, relieves swelling and pain. A mild decoction prepared from turmeric and purified alum is used as an eyewash in ulcers of the eye or any other eye infections causing redness and pain.


In case of cold, cough, fever, running nose, sinusitis, sore throat etc occurring because of exposure to cold or allergens Turmeric is the best medicine. Here are various remedies for asthma and cold.

  • 250mg of turmeric powder mixed along with hot milk and jaggery should be given twice daily. This is even good for Asthama problems.
  • Smoke(Dhooma) Inhaled by burning turmeric stick dipped in Ghee(Clarified butter) also gives immediate relief from cold. Tiny pieces of turmeric boiled in milk should be eaten and the milk should be drunk, this clears the throat.
  • In conditions of allergic cough or cough caused due asthmatic attack, 100 to 200mg of the turmeric powder is taken with honey made into a paste, followed by a glass of warm milk mixed with jaggery, this reduces the eosinophilic and basophilic count.
  • In all aches and pains of the body, or injury to any part of the body, drinking a warm glass of milk mixed with 200mg of turmeric powder and jaggery gives relief from aches, pain and inflammation.

Turmeric Benefits for DIABETES MELLITUS

Turmeric is a drug of choice in Diabetes Mellitus. Take 1 part of Aamalaki powder(Goosbery) is given bhavana (triturated) with 4 parts of fresh turmeric juice and dried well, this mixture is commonly called as Nishamalaki Churna which is easily available in all Ayurvedic shops, this churna taken twice daily morning and evenings before food reduces the sugar levels in no time. Turmeric and Aamalaki (Embelica Myobalan or Indian Goosberry) taken together in the form of a decoction will help to clarify urine, removes constipation and lessen the burning sensation (if any) while passing urine.

Finally, as the research is going on this wonderful drug, its uses are also increasing day by day, but to be on the safer side and also to protect ourselves from attack of diseases and to increase the immune system of the body, we can take a pinch or two of turmeric everyday in our food, in any form without any harm. As it is there are no side effects reported by using turmeric everyday in small quantities, but in larger amounts it may increase ushnatva (hotness) in the body causing burning sensation.

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Make sure the turmeric that is bought is organic certified and insecticide free. One of them we recommend is Organic Turmeric Powder Spice.