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Kobbari Carrot Burfi | Dried coconut carrot Burfi using jaggery

Kobbari Carrot  burfi or mitayi  is very easy to make tasty sweet using jaggery. You can prepare this on festivals like Ganesha, Gowri, Gokulashtami, navarathri as well.

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Ingredients for making kobbari carrot burfi:

  • 2 cups of grated dried coconut( take only the white part)
  • 1 cup grated carrot
  • 2 cups jaggery(powdered)
  • ½ cup water
  • 3 tbsp ghee
  • 3 cardamom


  1. grease the plate with ghee and keep it ready
  2. Melt the jaggery with ½ cup of water on medium heat.
  3. Powder dried coconut along with cardamom to a coarse texture
  4. Transfer this powder toa thick bottom pan
  5. Grind the carrot to a fine paste (add water if required)
  6. Transfer this carrot paste to the powdered coconut
  7. Strain the melted jaggery to the coconut-carrot mix
  8. Mix , and keep this on stove on medium low heat, keep stirring,
  9. Once it becomes little thick, add a TBSP ghee, keep stirring the mix.add the ghee in intervals
  10. Stir this until the burfi mix leaves the pan
  11. Now the burfi mix leaves the pan, turn off the heat and transfer it to a greased plate, flatten it
  12. While the burfi mix is still warm, grease the knife and cut this into desired shape and size


  1. instead of carrot you can use pineapple,beetroot or prepare just the coconut and jaggery.