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Sprouted Moong Bean Salad | Molake Hesarukaalu Kosambari | How to Sprout the Beans

Sprouted Moong Beans salad is the best way to start the day. Simple  nutritious salad with seasonal vegetables and fruits 🙂

Beans are the rich source of protein for the vegetarian diet. Many people cannot digest the beans, the best thing to do is sprouting it. According to studies and research, sprouting is a good choice for people with sensitive gut.
Sprouting the seeds/legumes helps to breakdown the complex sugar which in turn reduces the intestinal gas, which helps us to digest them better.
It is not at all hard to sprout the beans at home. Four easy steps- wash, soak, drain and keep for sprouting. All are 2 to 3 minutes work and end up with enjoying the at home sprouted healthy mung beans.
Also we have the recipe for the salad with the sprouted mung and other seasonal vegetables and fruit.
To know more about sprouts and benefits please read the article “Sprouts – Panacea for many ills” by Dr.Shivashankar.


How to Sprout the moong bean at home:

  • any amount of Mung beans/moong/heasru kaalu
  • 3 times water 1mung beans:3 water
  • Colander/strainer

For Malking the Salad:

  • 1 cup sprouted Mung Beans/hesaru kaalu
  • 1/2 cup cut cucumber
  • 1/2 cup grated carrot
  • 1/4 cup grated fresh coconut
  • 1/2 cup pomegranate or any fruits of your choice
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 to 2 TBSP chopped cilantro or coriander sleaves

For seasoning:

  • 2 tsp oil
  • pinch of hing (optional)
  • 2 green chillies cut into pieces
  • 1/2 tsp mustard seeds


To Sprout the beans:

  1. Take required amount of Mung Beans
  2. Wash thoroughly and soak the washed beans in 3 times of water .example: soak 1 cup mung beans in 3 cups of water overnight or 6 to 8 hours
  3. In the morning or once it is soaked completely( bean will double in size) drain the water using a colander or strainer
  4. On top of a empty bowl keep the strainer with the soaked mung beans
  5. Cover it with a plate and keep it near the stove or warm place at home. If you do this in the morning by evening you will have sprouted beans. If not by evening you will get the sprouts definitely by next morning (24 hours)
  6. This is next morning. We have the sprouted Mung Beans
  7. You can use this sprouts to make Salad, Dose, or usli/sundal.

To make the Salad:

  1. Take sprouted moong, carrot, cucumber, chopped cilantro, along with coconut and salt in a bowl. Mix it
  2. Prepare the seasoning. Heat 2 tsp oil in a ladle. Once it is hot enough add mustard seeds and hing (optional). Once the mustard seeds pops, add cut green chillies and turn off the heat. Add this seasoning to the salad and mix it.
  3. Finally add the pomegranate and mix.
  4. Healthy Sprout salad is ready to munch.