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Home Remedy for Cold and Cough | Mane Maddu

Home remedy for cough and cold.

Home remedies are traditional cures for minor ailments using the ingredients easily and readily available spices or vegetables or even plants at home. These home remedies typically are passed from generation to generation. Home remedies are becoming popular because it is natural, inexpensive, no side effects, and no chemicals.
Each ailment has many different remedies, one remedy which helped one person may not help the other due to the body prakruthi. Try single remedy for 2 to 3 days and if it is not working for you try another remedy for the same ailment.
Here we have very simple and effective home remedy for cold and cough.


  • 2 betel leaves (vile dele)
  • 2 black pepper
  • 1 sambar onion / pearl onion
  • Few tulsi leaves


  1. Eat the above mentioned items together and chew it and swallow the juice.
  2. Take this remedy for 3 to 4 times a day.
Home remedies are no substitute for professional medical treatment. Swayampaaka doesn’t take any responsibility for the side effects, illness or any health issues caused due to the content /ingredients in these home remedies. Please consult your physician before you start any self treatment.