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Kadlekai Unde | Peanut Laddu | Shenga Unde

Kadlekai unde or shenga unde or peanut laddu is one of our family favorite sweet. Whether it is chikki or unde the kadalekai with jaggery is the best sweet or energy food loved by almost everyone. Best travel snack 🙂 Interestingly Lord Ganesha also likes this peanut ladoo 🙂 Here is the recipe of this super sweet Kadalekai unde.

For more sweet laddu recipes click the links

Besan Ladoo,   Antinunde,    Dates ladoo , 

Rave Unde      Godhi unde  ,

Hurigadale unde

If you are looking for more karnataka style sweet recipes have a look at swayam paaka  sweet section.

Ingredients for making kadlekai unde:

  • 1 cup groundnuts/ peanuts
  • 3/4 cup jaggery(powdered)
  • 1 tbsp ghee
  • 2½ tbsp water

Yields around 12 peanut laddu or kadalekayi unde.


  1. Heat thick bottom pan on medium low heat, dry roast the peanuts until it turns golden brown, (It takes around 7 to 8 minutes ) turn off the heat and allow it to cool
  2. remove the skin, crush this on hard surface using a rolling pin as shown in the video. Don’t use mixer or blender
  3. To make the jaggery syrup, melt the jaggery with 2 tbsp water on low heat and then strain it, then add 2 tsp water to the pan warm it and add that water too.( it takes around 2.5 to 3 minutes)
  4. Keep the cleaned jaggery back on stove , add a tbsp ghee. Keep stirring until you get the right consistency.(when you put the syrup into a bowl of water jaggery syrup has to stay intact)
  5. Turn off the heat and add the crushed peanuts, mix it well, immediately pour it onto the plate.
  6. you have make the unde/balls when it is hot otherwise jaggery syrup will become hard and we will not be able to make the unde
  7. Wet or grease your hand, take required amount of mix and make the unde one after the other. you can make around 12 unde this size