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Amla Juice | Nellikai Panaka | Amla Recipes

Amla juice or Nellikai panaka recipe with detailed video instructions.
Gooseberry / amla are rich source of vitamin C along with many minerals, calcium, Iron, Phosphorous, Vitamin B Complex and carotene. Amla fresh and dried are used in Ayurvedic medicine. According to Ayurveda, Amla balances all three doshas. Also used for hair care, eye care, helps in calcium Absorption, treating menstrual cramps, helps in digestion and absorption of food and also strengthens the heart muscle and so on…. Here is one of the very simple recipe to incorporate amla in our diet.  Here is the   amla juice /nellikayi panaka

Also check these other Amla / nellikai recipes –


Ingredients for amla juice:

  • 4 fresh gooseberry / nellikai / amla ( crush and remove the seeds) or
  • around 16 pieces of frozen amla
  • small piece (around 1/4 inch)fresh ginger
  • pinch of cardamom powder
  • jaggery powder or jaggery syrup or sugar to taste (around 4 to 5 tsp or more) or any sweetner of your choice( jaggery is recommended for health reasons)
  • 2 cups of water


  1. grind nellikai/amla pieces, cardamom powder and ginger along with around 1/2 cup water to fine paste
  2. Strain the juice and then add water to the pulp . Repeat the same procedure for 3 to 4 times ( grind and strain the juice) then discard this pulp.
  3. Now to this juice add jaggery syrup / or jaggery powder or sugar to taste and mix it really well.
  4. Serve this healthy pitta pacifying drink either cold or at room temperature