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almond yogurt | badami mosaru | badam curd

almond yogurt | badami mosaru | badam curd

vegan almond curd/yogurt, is a homemade dairy-free alternative that can be used in various dishes. We already have plant based yogurt / curd recipes such as soy curd/soy yogurt and peanut curd/peanut yogurt. Addition to that we have this almond curd or almond yogurt (badami mosaru).
For benefits of almond curd please read this – benefits of almond yogurt


  • 1/2 cup almonds
  • 1 cup water
  • 2 tsp lemon or lime juice or any non dairy starter culture


  1. To make it, start by soaking 1/2 cup of almonds overnight or for 5 to 6 hours. Once soaked, remove the skin and discard the soaking water.
  2. Grind the almonds without adding water first, and then gradually add 1 cup of water while grinding.
  3. Strain the mixture using a fine cloth or strainer, and also add a little water to the mixer to extract the remaining almond milk. This  pulp can be used in recipes  such as chutneys, dosa batter, roti, or even used in chapathi dough.
  4. Transfer the strained almond milk to a pot and heat it on the stove, stirring continuously. Once it begins to boil, turn off the heat and transfer it to a bowl.
  5. While the milk  is still comfortably hot, add 2 teaspoons of lime or lemon juice as a starter culture.
  6. Mix it well, cover the bowl, and set it aside for 5 to 8 hours to allow fermentation to occur.
  7. After this fermentation period, you will have homemade almond curd/yogurt ready to use.
  8. You can utilize it as a starter culture for the next batch, ensuring you have a continuous supply.
  9. This almond curd/yogurt can be incorporated into various recipes
  10. Enjoy the benefits of this vegan alternative in your cooking!