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shunti kashaya recipe | fresh Ginger tea | Ginger kashaya

shunti kashaya recipe | fresh Ginger tea | Ginger kashaya  / shunti kashaya recipe – watch the video  for detailed instructions

This shunti kashaya is good for the common cold, and cough. Drinking this kashaya everyday helps in preventing getting the common cold. Good for digestion and shunti kashaya is a soothing drink as well. Shunti / ginger helps to improve the digestion, reduces bloating and balances the pitta.

For for more kashaya recipes and home remedies  CLICK HERE

Other healthy recipes  you can try are menthya kashaya, menthya leha, shunti/ginger tambuli ..

Ingredients for making shunti kashaya :

  • 1 inch fresh ginger / hasi shunti
  • 2 cloves and 1 cardamom
  • 1 tsp jeera / cumin seeds
  • 10 pepper
  • 2 pinches of turmeric powder
  • jaggery to taste
  • 2 cups of water
  • little lime/lemon juice


  1. Crush pepper, cloves, cardamom, and jeera to coarse powder
  2. Then add ginger and crush that as well

To make kashaya:

  1. Boil the water in a pan on medium heat
  2. Add jaggery, turmeric powder, crushed ginger and other ingredients. Boil for 5 minutes
  3. turn off the heat and strain it,
  4. Add lemon/lime juice when drinking the kashaya