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Instant Wheat Flour Dosa | Godhi Dose Recipe | Dosa Recipes

Instant wheat flour Dosa  is very easy and tasty  breakfast recipe. This is tasty and delicious easy to make no onion, no garlic breakfast. Tomorrow’s breakfast is always a big question! Some dishes needs prior preparation like soaking, allowing it to ferment ….. We always look for recipes which are instant. In that category we have this simple wheat flour dosa recipes. No need to grind and no need to ferment. You can make plain or add some veggies as well.

You try these other dosa recipes such as  Set DOsa, Kali DOsa, Neer Dosa ,  MASALA DOSA, RAVA DOSA, PLANTAIN DOSA, JACKFRUIT DOSA , and more Breakfast recipes

Ingredients for making Instant Wheat Flour Dosa :

  • 1 cup whole wheat flour
  • 2 tbsp rice flour
  • 1/2 tbsp ghee
  • 1 tsp salt or salt taste
  • oil for making dosa
  • around 2.5 cups water ( water quantity depends on the consistency of the batter)
you can make 12 dosa with the given measurement


  1. Mix wheat flour, salt, rice flour and ghee in a bowl.
  2. now add water little by little until you get the neer dosa consistency, make sure there are no lumps
  3. this should be the consistency of the batter, I used 2.5 cups of water

To make the dosa:

  1. Grease and heat the kavali on medium heat
  2. Take a ladleful of batter, pour it evenly across the tava as shown, cover it and cook it for few minutes
  3. Flip the dosa, if you want crisp dosa put more oil and cook it both sides
  4. once it is cooked both sides remove it from the tava
  5. every time you make the dosa apply the oil to the tava
  6. You can add chopped onions, green chillies, grated carrot to the batter as well.