benefits of carrots

Why we should eat carrots? Carrots are considered a highly nutritious vegetable, and their goodness lies in the various health benefits they offer. Here are…

akki hurittu

Akki hurittu is a traditional South Indian dish made from rice and is often consumed as a breakfast item or during fasting days. please watch…

benefits of almond yogurt | badam curd

benefits of almond yogurt | almond curd Vegan almond yogurt offers several benefits, both in terms of health and environmental sustainability. Veganism is a lifestyle…

garlic rice for new moms

Garlic rice offers several benefits for new moms, aiding in their postpartum recovery and overall well-being.It is easy to make and very delicious rice recipe.…

aralu hurittu | ways to eat aralu

Aralu hurittu is a largely forgotten recipe. Aralu refers to popped paddy or puffed paddy. To prepare aralu, paddy is roasted on high heat until…

health benefits of tamarind

Tamarind is a fruit that is widely used in various cuisines around the world. It offers several health benefits due to its rich nutritional profile…